News from the month of April

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April 30, 2022

Another exciting month for financial technology (“fintech”) is wrapping up. Ourteam at Motive Partners has been diligently following the themes, news, andtrends across our ever expanding andevolving industry. In this month’s new format for Motive Insights, we’ll highlight thekey events in the industry from April anddiscuss our take on what this means forthe fintech landscape. We’ll dive in onM&A to assess how Investors in the spaceare thinking about the topic, specificallyhighlighting industry successes andemerging trends, such as Goldman’s acquisition of NextCapital. Next, we’ll lookinto how Operators are tackling new developments in embedded finance, through aclose look at Adyen’s foray into the space.And finally, we’ll analyze how Innovatorsare approaching emerging trends infintech, such as sustainability, by taking acloser look at Giesecke + Devrient’s recent move.

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